Anyone looking for a definitive history of the Dobble People will come up empty. Noted historians and paleontologists dismiss the Dobble People as fictitious creations. Others believe they are related to all diminutive humans and are direct descendants of the lost Patagonian Pigmy Tribe. They were believed to be very shy and fearful of other humans. This may explain why proof of their existence is spotty at best.
Other folklore links these creatures to graphic phallus symbols. Artifacts and petroglyphs found near the ruins of Machu Picchu point to a theory that statues depicting Dobble People act as aphrodisiacs to their possessor.
The truth about Dobbles may have been lost through the sands of time.
written by J. Francemore
Cuzco Peru: 10/12/11
While attending a symposium with world renowned ancient astronaut investigators, Dr. Emilio Padroza has ignited a firestorm of controversy regarding the Dobble People. The world's academic and scientific communities have disagreed for decades over the existence of ancient astronauts. Dr. Padroza recently discovered similarities between the Dobble artifacts discovered in 2005 near Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina and Tiahuanaco drawings found as far north as Bolivia.
Many theorists have attributed Machu Picchu as a dwelling place of ancient astronauts and the Nazca Lines of Peru as navigational aids created by the Tiahuanaco empire. Noted historians agree that the Tiahuanaco empire never even came close to Nazca. Visitations by ancient astronauts to the Andes are estimated at about 600 CE. On his most recent expedition, Dr. Padroza was acting on his theory that the visitations occurred much earlier, between 4000 and 3000 BCE. The theory is based on the runes appearing on the Dobble People's "Rosetta Stone" referring to the Father of all Light. Padroza now believes that Xenoxotyl may be the earliest ancient astronaut. He came from the far dark skies. Zantrilia may have been the earliest female astronaut.
Armed with this information, Padroza initiated correspondence with other investigators until he was contacted by an anonymous source citing a discovery in the foothills below Navado Huascaran, Peru's highest peak. Skeletal remains of pigmy-like people estimated to be about 5000 years old were found in a shallow tomb. This would place the remains at about 3000 B.C. corresponding roughly to the Dobble's 'golden age'. Padroza theorized that since the Dobble People were nomadic, they could have traveled about 2,000 miles north over the centuries from Patagonia through Bolivia and then to Peru. The telling evidence becomes more complex. Dr. Padroza has affirmed the the remains are Dobble People. The shards of an amulet bearing a resemblance to the rune representing Zantrilia on the "Rosetta Stone" was found near one of the skeletons. Padroza now believes that the Dobble People regarded the star crossed couple of Xenoxotyl and Zantrilia as a god and goddess descended from the heavens. Thus, the Dobble People wore jewelry as a sign of worship. Testing of the amulet revealed that Zantrilia's eye is an azure blue color. The remains are that of two males and a female, all three in their late teens or twenties. DNA testing points to the possibility that the female had blue eyes.
The ancient astronaut investigators and Dr. Padroza now agree on a theory that the Dobble People traversed the Andes, carrying with them the technology to build Machu Picchu and the aeronautical knowledge to create the Nazca Lines. This would also explain how the technology was shared with the Tiahuanaco. Blue eyed citizens of South America may attribute their current blue eyes as remnants of Spanish Conquistadors (yes, some Spanish people have blue eyes) cohabiting with the Incas. Dr. Padrosa and believers in ancient astronauts, on the other hand, attribute the blue eyes of the Dobble People to the Father of All Light and his Earthly descendants.
Fact or fiction? You decide. Your Dobble displayed prominently in your home will perhaps shed some light on the story.
The Dobble Queen:
Eyes of Blue Glass
Anthropologists have made an important archeological discovery in a remote region west of the city of Comodoro Rivadavia on the Gulf of San Jorge. The leader of the expedition, Dr. Emilio Padroza, described the significance of the artifact as unequivocal proof confirming the existence of the Dobble People and their descendants. The Dobble People have been part of local folklore and mythology for centuries; however, proof of their actual existence has been rare. The symbols on the stone indicate that the descendants of the Dobble People flourished in this region between three and six thousand years ago. Padroza has affectionately dubbed them "The Children of the Dobble People”.
The stone appears to be a timeline tracing the history of a highly intelligent breed of nomadic hunter-gatherers. It is believed that they roamed the region below the 40th parallel living off the land, hunting, and farming, but never attaining any degree of industrialization. The average lifespan was about 35 years, explaining why they cohabitated as soon as reaching puberty. The Children of the Dobble People were diminutive in stature; a trait inherited from their ancestors. Like many ancient tribes, The Children of the Dobble People believed that the earth was God. The sun was the center of all things and the sustainer of life. Other symbols on the stone point to a remarkable knowledge of the planets and lunar cycles.
The discovery of the stone is the culmination of Padroza's thirty-year quest. 'When I first saw the stone amidst the rubble of the cave I felt reborn. Then, after translating part of the runes, I wept. There is still much work to be done.'
Although a complete history of The Children of the Dobble People may never be known, the discovery gives credibility to their existence.
These pottery pieces are enlarged replicas of the Dobble symbols on the stone representing male and female life. They are companion pieces to the original Dobble People and would make welcome additions to any collection.
Palei-Aike Volcanic Fields Rio Gallegos
This is one of the great mysteries of the Dobble People. Their existence was only a theory or folk lore until Dr. Podrosa confirmed they were real. He is still in the process of translating the runestone. Perhaps some light will be shed on this perplexing question when the translation is complete. It may have been a cataclysmic event. My guess is Spanish explorers brought disease in addition to their quest for gold. But the Fugawi theory may also have some credence.
A work of fiction
A display that includes the Children of the Dobble People.